5 definitions by batFalcon

Silicon Valley investor and writer Paul Graham coined the term to describe an observation that a population develops “social antibodies” in response to behaviours that have come to be perceived as harmful.

An example he cites is cigarette smoking. Once a popular and accepted habit even within intimate spaces, after smoking was banned in enclosed spaces it quickly became socially unacceptable aided by vocal people who acted like messengers in the system.

It could be argued that a busybody and a social antibody are two sides of the same coin.
Social antibodies are forming around the issue of media companies giving a platform to misinformation.
by batFalcon January 28, 2022
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The ability to quickly change your mind without being stuck on a particular world view.
The project was DOA because the PM didn't have the humility nor the mental liquidity to fail early.
by batFalcon March 4, 2021
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An internet-era Cargo Cult where the origins of the belief system derive from interpretations of ambiguous humour posted to message boards on the web such as 4chan.

The original ideas are reconstrued and rapidly spread through an online population gathering support via social media with the core ideas mutating and even diverging, like Chinese whispers.

Psychological biases such as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, the illusory truth effect and the continued influence effect are likely to increase and compound adoption of new believers.
E'ryone knows QAnon ain't nothin' but a 4chan Cult, but there ain't nothin' we can do to stop it.
by batFalcon January 7, 2021
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A deep-seated inferiority complex that is commonplace within the working-classes. The idea that people from ordinary backgrounds perpetuate a self-fulfilling ceiling to what they can accomplish in life, merely because "people like us" don't go on to do great things. The opposite of the sense of entitlement engendered within affluent groups.
"That's a great idea, why don't you work on this?"
"Me?! I'm just a car mechanic from South London, mate, and you know, I don't really have the time."
"Sounds like you have working class syndrome, my boy!"
by batFalcon July 11, 2019
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The average "smart" ass who assumes constraints loudly. These people are everywhere and only seem to ever come up with reasons why something won't work, or how it doesn't apply to them, and therefore must not apply to anyone else.
I didn't listen to all the armchair defeatists, instead I made a quick prototype and made $1,200 in my first month.
by batFalcon September 12, 2022
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