4 definitions by ballinjack

A high speed transportation concept that is both like a train and a pneumatic tube.

A low pressure environment inside the tube allows the 'train' to travel efficiently at 100's of kilometers (or miles) per hour.

The idea was popularized by Elon Musk.
If we built a hyperloop I could live in Paris and commute to Rome.
by ballinjack September 6, 2018
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The study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life.
The phenology of plants might include looking at the rise and fall of flowers and leaves through the seasons.
by ballinjack September 29, 2017
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Someone who finds it hard to gain muscle mass. Typically used ironically to describe someone who has in fact only just started working out.
gym bro 1: Look at that skinny guy over there
gym bro 2: Must be a hardgainer.
by ballinjack March 21, 2018
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