20 definitions by balbir

1) an amalgamation of the terms preposterous and postulate used to describe an absurd claim or assumption.

2) an adjective describing a predated postulate or principle
person A: "That girl's so innocent, she must be a virgin."
person B: "That's prepostulatious!"

person A: "I firmly believe the Republicans will win the next election."
person B: "Man, that's totally prepostulatious!"

person A: "Did you know the Earth is flat?"
person B: "What the hell are you smoking man? That's totally prepostulatious."
by balbir January 22, 2008
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Semen, cum, jizz.

A slang term, originating from the Jamiacan/West Indian slang for a gay man "batty boy," perhaps originating with the misbelief that homosexuals often wash each other in their own semen.

Also spelt: "botti wash" or "bati wash"
"What's that white stain on your pants Dan? It looks like you didn't clean up your batty wash."

"I'm going to spray you with my batty wash, Seana!"

"Fuck you Dhruvin, I know you just masturbated, you better clean that batty wash off of your hands before you touch me"
by balbir December 7, 2011
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what you say when someone gets told, usually used in reference when a girl does something stupid.
"pat, i just made out with your sister, feel it!"

you just fucked taras and got a STD, feel it!
by balbir December 12, 2009
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An adjective used to describe something unusually exceptional coming from one's own or another's pants.
(Commenting on a granola bar sitting in one's pants pocket for an entire day) "mmm. Pantastic!"
by balbir January 12, 2008
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simply, more horrible

the slang term is used especially to add importance to the thought that the subject is more horrible, or as a slip of tongue when changing the adverb to a comparative adjective.
"That girl looked way horriblier than normal today."

"My ex sucked, he kissed way horriblier than you."

"When I crashed my car into the tree, it was horriblier than the time I fell of my tricycle when I was 3."
by balbir January 23, 2008
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a verb implying one was joking or joshing about the previous statement, usually said when you were messing with someone's mind.
"Dude, that's girl totally into you." "Really?" "Naw.. I'm just boshing ya."

"Did you study for the big test today?" "What!? We've got a test?" "Serious, not even boshing man."
by balbir January 22, 2008
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liquid courage;

An initialism often used as a noun to describe someone who needs liquid courage to have any wheels, or to make move on any girl.
"He's obviously into Rebecca, we need to help his wheels, so let's order some shots for LC."

"Of course your date went sour, you should have ordered some wine, you're such an LC."

"Louis has some pretty awesome stories about having sex with girls but he's shit at talking to girls in real life, we all know he's a classic case of LC."
by balbir December 7, 2011
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