152 definitions by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg

The one and only true Roman successor unlike the Holy Roman Empire buttholes.
1. I miss the Byzantine Empire, forget the Holy Roman Empire and Frankish Empires
2. The Byzantine Empire should have won 1453
3. The Byzantine Empire will destroy those Holy Roman Empire Infidels
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Not to be confused with Armenians, Arameans are an ancient race of people living in Jordan, Israel/Palestine, and the Damascus part of Syria.
Arameans have an important history on the middle east in the Holy land (Israel) and have their language Aramaic.
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The man just about ready to kill or torture you for making the worst or even a small mistake on a recipe or food.
Cook me higher Gordon Ramsey
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A nation that is hated and will forever be hated for it's sausages and former past (1935).
Germany is in trouble
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If you did not see these search engines at your school lab, what childhood have you had?
Google Safari and Firefox are superior to Microsoft Egde.
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