15 definitions by badgerman5566

Something said when informed of yet another failure of society
they can put a man on the moon, but they can't make solar cars! What is this world coming to?
by badgerman5566 May 21, 2010
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The gate way to human pleasure. Don't get to excited about that. It does come at a terrible price known as a women.
I entered the vagina and paid the price. I was nagged and bitched at all day.
by badgerman5566 January 29, 2011
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1: A five dollar bill
2: A website were people do online services for five dollars
You got a fiverr I can use?
by badgerman5566 May 9, 2010
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I just bought a shamwow.

Wow, you just got scamed.

I got scamed now.

Scamnow is a scam that does not hold 20 times it's weight in liquid as some would like you to think.
by badgerman5566 January 26, 2011
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A sexual act involving the male defecating in the female's vagina. The male then proceeds to fuck the female with the shit remaining intact inside the vagina.
Last night, I gave your mom the Alabama Hot Pocket. My dick is covered in shit.
by badgerman5566 May 7, 2010
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Either a crying smiley face, a shovel, an elephant or a rocket ship blasting off. I have no clue witch one it is.
Is this a crying smiley face or a shovel?

by badgerman5566 May 7, 2011
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Here is some binary. This is worth decrypting.
by badgerman5566 May 22, 2011
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