19 definitions by badback9

a big dog, a dog thats bigger than most. a huge canine
"Mira, check that big ole lab out...nice lookin dog there eh?

by badback9 November 12, 2007
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A huge dog. A big ass dog, a dog you can ride...like a horse...
"Chuck, check out that huge dog over there...the owners put a saddle on it!"

chuck: "lagarunth!"
by badback9 November 29, 2007
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When you consume something to the point when you never want to consume it again.
"Last night I drank way too much makers mark...then came home and ate an entire roll of Oreos."

"Dude, that's gross"

"Yeah, those Oreos were a bender ender...I never want to see another sweet in my life!"
by badback9 February 16, 2014
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no ass, flat ass..nothing there to hold up your pants
man... call leonard nimoy to search for "chucks ass!"

that gal has chucks ass... no booty call there!
by badback9 October 23, 2008
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When a large corporation plans a products availability to the market by the obsessive nature of their customers.
"Did you see the line of zombies at the apple store at 3 am yesterday? Guess they are waiting for the iPhone t1000"

"Planned obsession at its worst"
by badback9 September 20, 2013
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The moment when one has an terrific epiphany.
Wifey: "I have finally realized that I suck at driving."
Hubby: "The people on this planet celebrate this epiphanific moment!"
by badback9 November 4, 2014
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when you pull an entire tube of bong smoke....over toke...you cough out out of control....(barking)...only to reach out for another big hit...
SD: "MAN...Wildog just sucked up the entire stack....and is barking for more!"

Spivey: "barrrrrkin for moooore! load up the six shooter!"
by badback9 October 18, 2007
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