29 definitions by bLaZeD

anything done (besides freezes and powermoves) not staning in breakdancing
everyone got their own style of downrock
by bLaZeD December 7, 2004
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you sit down with legs in a V shape out in front of you. Nowput your hands down close in front of your "crotchel" area, lift yourself up (legs still straight out in a V off the ground) now move around in a circle either in a transfer of weight from hand to hand, or hopping. Now build up speed. Try it 1 handed! Ouch.
cant give one cause there aint one
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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a breaker move much like the windmill but instead of your leggs being extended in a "V" shape you have them tucked into your body.
munchmills are hard as hell
by bLaZeD December 7, 2004
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You sit on your left or right foot while it is crunched and extend your other leg and swing it in a circle around your body and under your crunched leg.
helicopter is also called the coffee grinder
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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would be balancing on one hand taking your other hand and lifting it off the ground and back on it and pushing making you spin. some people will put a long sleeve (or at some dances a santa hat) down so it cause less friction.
a hand glide is fucking frustraiting to get down
by bLaZeD December 9, 2004
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once was a true thugs pair of boots but now they've hit mainstream and everyones wearing them.
by bLaZeD December 1, 2004
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I just heard of an inside branch called Insane GD in the pin at Alaska.
74 or ya hit da floor
by bLaZeD February 8, 2005
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