12 definitions by b1-66er

1. (noun) A two week diet -centered primarily around Special K products- created by the Kellogg NA Company. Often the target of misguided speculation by psycho hosebeasts.

2. (noun) Any problem you have when dealing with a person with the nickname "Special K."

3. (noun) Taking three hits of Ketamine then walking to a door, opening it and saying your full name wholly and completely.
1. A few idiots boycotted all Kelloggs products after that 'blogger misrepresented the terms of the Special K Challenge.

2. My Special K Challenge is trying to act like I'm interested when he tells me who is, and who is not, Jewish.

3. Christine was doing fine in the Special K Challenge until she decided the doorknob she was turning was actually a donut and tried to eat it.
by b1-66er February 7, 2011
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(noun) Predicting something will end badly. Alternatively, a person who is thinking something will end badly. Similar to a buzz kill.

The origin is a pun on the name the famous American personal-success author Napoleon Hill ("Think and Grow Rich"). One of Mr. Hill's biggest beliefs was that ideas can become reality and for this reason you should try to eliminate all bad or critical thinking from your thoughts.
Him: "Dude, I'd buy an iPad, but all I'll end up doing is dropping it."

Her: "You're such a Napoleon kill!"
by b1-66er January 12, 2011
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(noun) In a convertible it's the (somewhat surprising) way the air blows from the back of the car toward the front. Many convertible drivers wear hats to reduce the effects of blow back. Fancy convertible makes such as Mercedes, BMW and Porsche often mount a screen behind the car's front seats to reduce blow back to those passengers.
Red thought he was all cool in his convertible until the blow back pushed his cap over his eyes and he ran down that mailbox.
by b1-66er April 29, 2008
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(verb) To pass through one's nose, typically by laughter. (Regional, used chiefly in the western United States.)
The joke was so funny that Zz hoarked his Mountain Dew.
by b1-66er September 27, 2005
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(verb) In larger American cities it means taking a right hand turn at a street's intersection instead of using the normal right hand turn sleeve. Often done by delivery drivers (without a GPS) who need to pull up to an intersection and check a street name before committing to making a turn on a busy street.

More rarely called a "Domino's turn."
Feddy was running late and his frustration was compounded by a back-up in the right turn sleeve. In a desperate effort to speed things up he decided to make a Pizza Hut turn.
by b1-66er April 29, 2008
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(noun -- GRIM-eez -- plural of grimmie) Grimmies are the collective group of enemies in the video game world.
Dude, wanna come over to my place, order some some za and kill grimmies after work tonight?
by b1-66er May 6, 2010
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(noun) The way people grind to an unbelievably slow trundle when surrounded by either too many opportunities to buy (like a shopping malls) or garish tourist attractions (like Disneyland).
"Dude, I'm sorry we're late for dinner. There was crushing tourist torpor at the mall, it took us 25 minutes just to get to the car."
by b1-66er June 10, 2008
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