12 definitions by azure

Something so large that a standard English word cannot accurately communicate the size and scope, therefore the speaker must resort to the use of a combination of several words to describe the object. Used mostly to describe ideas and inanimate objects.
Tony Robbins head and ego is gi-normous.
by azure February 10, 2005
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Similar to a typo, except that an entire word is incorrect. Usually this incorrect word is in itself a correctly spelt word, just not what was meant. Often the result of typing faster than your brain can keep up.
12:04:15 <Dewi> well, this is interesting.
12:04:21 <azure> don't lie dewi
12:04:29 <Dewi> No, really, Indians.
12:04:34 <Dewi> Shit.
12:04:35 <azure> okay.
12:05:37 <Dewi> I meant to say "it is"
12:05:49 <azure> and it came out Indians?
12:05:50 <Dewi> but it came out as Indians.
12:05:54 <azure> man, that's the best wordo i've ever seen
by azure April 8, 2003
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Like saying minty, but with sch in front.
by azure September 8, 2004
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what is sometimes experienced while attempting to order at a fast food establishment
'you want fries with that?'
'that's what I just ordered!'
'how 'bout an apple pie?'
by azure July 8, 2004
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I instrument used around the world to make various of beatz for music....

Some scratch djs begin to publicly experiment with, and develop their own methods of scratch notation. Most notable of the group, John Carluccio, director and creator of "Battle Sounds", shares his system of scratch notation with other DJs around the world
technic,vestax,go to a music store and look for one!
by azure November 29, 2003
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