89 definitions by austin

To vandalize, destroy, or deface. Refers specifically to website hacking.
"Dude, my website got punkatized the other day. Major bummer."
by austin February 25, 2005
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A type of coffee made by forcing very hot water through finely ground and tightly packed coffee resulting in a dark, sometimes bitter tasting, drink.

Espresso is served in shots of around 1.5 ounces, and is frequently added to steamed milk to make various coffee beverages.

Often mistakenly called "expresso".
I just spent an entire month's worth of paychecks on a new espresso machine. I will never sleep again.
by austin December 1, 2003
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A collection of fine martial arts which, thanks to thousands of matrix fanboys and anime-fags, has come to represent a massive group of jerkasses and idiots who think that a fancy school is the secret to combat. The result is a huge crowd of white kids who, having not spent anywhere near enough time training, go and pick fights with other people who don't know kung-fu, but DO know a decent right cross. I'm sure that, given time, it is powerful and deadly, but 90% of the time, the kid across from you is just going to pull some 'combatative flower arranging' type bullshit until you kick him in the head, at which point, he'll fall over and cry that you didn't hit him in a blockable fashion.
An Amazing Martial Art that has been ruined by faggots.

See also: Pretty Much every other fighting style. Except Tae-Bo, Tae-Bo is the secret to victory.
by austin May 22, 2004
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A guitarist from Sweden which his name we couldn't pronounce. Arguably the best shredder there is.
A: Hey, that Yngwie Malmsteen guy is fuckin' awsome.
B: Hell ya, but what's witht he weight issue lately?
by austin January 1, 2005
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sawm won hoo hass mawsh mewwo bains
shawwwwn awr ess a oowm staw wunna
by austin December 5, 2003
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Seeing things from another persons perspective, and putting oneself into thier position.
He could empathise with his friends loss.
by austin November 9, 2003
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The best show that WAS on TV. Cancelled after one season. Now can be found on DVD at freaksandgeeks.com or freaksandgeeksdvd.com
If we lived in a perfect world, Freaks and Geeks would have taken the place of Friends and run for however many million seasons Friends did, since Freaks and geeks was a far superior show. At the same time, Friends would never exist or only be shown to inmates in prison as punishment.
by austin August 24, 2004
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