1 definition by assclownroberts

A male who despite being caring and respectful to his female friends and acquaintances will never become anything more than "just a friend" to them. These guys will often pay attention and offer advice to their attractive female friends problems about their arrogant, douche-bag boyfriend only to see her dump that asshole and end up with someone even worse than him. This is because the majority of women, especially in their teenage years want to find muscular, good-looking, fashion conscious, pricks with enough confidence to diminish their insecurities enough so they can sleep at night without cutting themselves or consulting bulimia. Unfortunately this leaves the good guy in the shade, despite him being a better person, and being ten times the man her boyfriend is. Usually when girls say they want a "nice guy" he's usually some pantload with a foreign accent and a weird hairstyle. Luckily not all girls are like this and when the good guy finds these girls, he'll realize good things come to those who wait.
Girl 1- omg look at jean-pierre, he's soo hot!

Girl 2- I kno right! If he asked me out it would make my life!
Good guy- You don't even know him.
Girl 1- oh but I heard hes such a great guy!
Good guy- Once again, you dont even know him.
Girl 2- Jean pierre!!(then ducks and whispers) did he see me?
Good guy-....


Girl- Omg Kyle, Nick cheated on me!
good guy- again?
Girl- yea, I thought he changed but he didn't
good guy- why would he change he's been an ass all his life.
Girl- you know what your right, Im going to go out with Darrien next.
good guy- but he's even worse. say why don't you and I go out sometime?
Girl- uhm I'm ok, I think that we should just stay friends.
good guy- oh..
Girl- Im sorry!

good guy- its ok.. go out out with whats his face.
Girl- thanks for being so supportive Kyle, your such a good guy.(she hangs up immediately after)
good guy- fuck
by assclownroberts February 21, 2010
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