2 definitions by ashamalee

A bar/restaurant slang used to describe the end of something or as an action to get rid of something. Can also be used in reference to "offing" or killing someone...which is where (slightly) its origin comes from...

It's origin comes from when they would dig grave sites 8 feet long and 6 feet deep. When a person died, they would be "86-ed".
"86 the mahi mahi"

"86 that drunken moron"

"That's it, pal, you don't shut up and you'll be 86-ed"
by ashamalee February 28, 2005
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Desperate means used when you have not studied for a test. On a scantron, you pull the ol' "ABACADABA" and fill in those letters accordingly in hopes of passing the exam.
man 1: How do you think you did on the exam?

man 2: I didn't study, I pulled the ol' ABACADABA.
by ashamalee March 1, 2005
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