1 definition by armybassdude

1)A pathetic excuse for a cell phone company that mainly attracts people who can not pay their damn bills or are fresh from the border and have a "valid" green card. 95% of the people who do sign up never pay their bill, and if they do, they walk in to a RadioShack and say "i wunnuh pay my sprintz behul(bill)" Free and Clear America plans now include no roaming cause sprint has no coverage of there own. Hires terrorist for their customer call centers.
2) Sprint PCS aka Sprint Pathetic Customer Service
"my cell phone keeps getting cut off, dang I hate Sprint!"
"What, I ACTUALLY have to pay my sprint bill????"
"Letz cruise ups to radioshacks and pays our sprint beeelz"
by armybassdude October 15, 2005
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