3 definitions by arekushi

To be slapped across the face by an SAT Practice Textbook (preferably with 741 pages) at a high velocity. Results in a major headache and your face slamming into the wall from the sheer force of the hit.

Is preferably performed on a nerd or a really annoying person...or a Stanley.
Stanley: Hey guys, wanna study for the SATS?


Guys: He's out! You just got 741'd! Biotch!
by arekushi July 1, 2008
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A kick ass band from Skagit Valley, WA. Opened for Slayer during Jagerfest '04.

Awesome moshing music!
Dude 1: Did you see The Fray last night?

Dude 2: Fuck no! I was getting my eyes elbowed in a mosh pit at Prozack Staple!!
by arekushi July 1, 2008
Having someone get completely knocked out on their ass after being a complete dumbass in a moshpit, usually after throwing elbows into eyes and moshing without self-restraint.

Vengeanator- the Bigger Guy that deals out the Justice in the Pit. Helps pick people up that fall down and push down those who deserve it. (Good to be friends with!)
Smaller Guy: Fucking Steven, man! Always throwing elbows and hitting me in the face! I wish I was big enough to be vengeanating his ass right now!

Vengeanator: Which one is he?

Smaller Guy: Him

Steven gets LAID OUT! (pwn)
by arekushi July 1, 2008
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