10 definitions by ara_eek

The abbreviated, gender-neutral version of the words Kukla and Kuklo. Used to refer to a materialistic, image-obsessed Armenian girl or boy from Los Angeles, especially Glendale.
That girl is such a kuk, she always has a Starbucks cup in her hand.
by ara_eek April 2, 2023
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Armofishing is when someone (who is typically white / Western European) tries to appear Armenian, Middle Eastern or SWANA. This is done by getting filler and plastic surgery to achieve a specific look including almond-shaped eyes, thicker eyebrows, olive-toned skin, etc.

This concept is similar to Blackfishing and gayfishing, however these individuals do not try to look Black but simply want to look more "ethnic" in terms of their face and body.

Examples of this include Megan Fox, Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, etc.
Kylie Jenner is only pretty because she is Armofishing! She looked extremely pale and PLAIN before all of the plastic surgery she got.
by ara_eek May 19, 2023
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A derivation of “calm your tits down”, but more detailed. Told to someone who is freaking out or overreacting to something.
by ara_eek October 25, 2022
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An Armenian Barbie. A pretty Armenian girl who is materialistic and self-obsessed. Also known as a Kukla or Kuk.
by ara_eek April 4, 2023
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The male version of kukla, which literally translate to “doll” in Russian.

Kukla” has come to mean a pretty, materialistic girl such as “barbie” is to a blonde, valley girl. See “kukla” entry for more information.
That guy is SUCH a kuklo, it’s not even funny. All he cares about is eating sushi, driving his Tesla and twerking!
by ara_eek September 7, 2022
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A similar concept to Blackfishing, gayfishing is when a straight or straight-passing male appropriates gay culture to appear more edgy or cool. An example of this is men who paint their nails (a color other than black) and get praise, whereas if a gay male did the same thing they would get slurs thrown at them.
It's insane how much Bad Bunny has been gayfishing and these NPCs just eat it up.
by ara_eek April 23, 2023
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The southern, urban portion of the City of Glendale where many Armenians live. Along with Elote ladies, you will hear Armenian produce sellers yelling out their specials such as "DASHTI PAMIDOR!" You will see many luxury cars parked on congested streets and apartment-style homes.
I just moved to LA from Kansas and I personally love living in the Armo Barrio.
by ara_eek March 19, 2023
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