27 definitions by applealex

Apple's newest iProduct

The iPad is the worlds most expensive menstrual product. you get one per package that can only be used once for the amazing price of $499

Available at Apple stores and ladies restrooms worldwide
Girl: Fuck Kotex, I got the Apple iPad
by applealex February 2, 2010
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A word that girls use so they can have something to bitch about
*girl walks into room*
"Gosh it's so stuffy in here"
by applealex March 26, 2010
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usually a term said to see if the person is stupid enough to check if they indeed dropped their pocket

also could mean your fly is open
"hey, you dropped your pocket"
by applealex September 26, 2009
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The demonym for a resident of a city named Livingston
people from France are French
people from Germany are German
people from Greece are Greek
people from Livingston are Livingstonians
by applealex September 26, 2009
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a term popularized by Samuel L. Jackson in snakes on a pane
Enough is Enough I've had it with these muthafuckin snakes on this muthfuckin plane.
by applealex December 3, 2009
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he shot him
English teacher "you have to use proper English when you're writing summaries in your reading log. is 'he popped a cap in his ass' proper English? no"
by applealex December 3, 2009
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