1 definition by aphrael.

A severe episode of mental illness. Usually triggered by stress, trauma or drugs/alcohol. Can also happen randomly. Usually lasts up to a few weeks. Can last up to 6 months.

Main symptoms are delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations. Others are inability to eat or sleep, confusion, severe disorganisation, loss of time management, failure to complete tasks, failure to look after self, inappropriate behaviour, strange speech, nonsense speech, symbolic speech, repetitive behaviour, euphoria, terror.

If the psychosis becomes severe the person will need to be hospitalised. Most people are not violent at all, and the few that are, are usually reacting to feeling physically threatened. If the medication does not work, and if the person really "loses it", and starts trying to escape or do something dangerous, the person is restrained, locked up in a room and given an injection. They will be transferred while unconscious to another locked area. When the medication works, they are transferred to the open ward.

Although it can go away on its own in some cases, psychosis left untreated can cause brain damage. The whole episode takes a toll on the brain. The medication also has strong side effects. It can take weeks, months or years to recover fully.

If you know someone who is recovering from psychosis, give them a hug and buy them some chocolate. Losing your mind is one of the scariest things a person can ever experience.
She was suffering from psychosis.
by aphrael. April 20, 2010
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