180 definitions by amy

One of the languages of Japanese rock. Like Engrish, but with French.
moi même moitié (me same half)
by amy March 28, 2005
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a word i use to descibe something in a message to nub.
do not munfty the wings!
by amy January 23, 2004
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When a guy has direahha and dumps it on a woman chest, and then titty fucks her.
Aaron Levy gave Mrs.Pafias a Chicage Style Chili Dog.
by amy February 6, 2005
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Directed to someone who acts in an annoying/idiotic way.
Jess tripped over for the 4th time, "Jess, you're the biggest desmund i know"
by amy January 6, 2004
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n. The alien species from the movie alien. Word is a combination of 'Xeno' meaning "To cause the extinction of another species." and 'Morph' "Form of life."
The scientists were to be killed as they witnessed a Xenomorph sighting.
by amy June 23, 2004
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'it woz extra dell...hewww'
by amy February 25, 2004
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My best friend in the whooooole entire world and the coolest girl you'll ever meet!
"You have no friends. Too bad you dont have someone like risa!"
by amy March 16, 2004
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