1 definition by alkajoha

A woman or girl that is full of faith, love and patience. A person that wears her heart on her sleeve to help others, even at a cost to herself. Mary Anne is someone who has gone through hardship, disappointment and loss but still sees positivity in her life. But dont confuse her with being too soft. She is strong enough to overcome abuse, loss and bad choices with dignity. Mary Anne is a good friend, sister, mother and daughter.

Mary Anne is good with children and is a people person. Likes being with others. Is funny and likes to make jokes. Even finds humor in herself.
Person in line " Sorry I forgot my wallet in the car"
Mary Anne " Don't worry about it, here is $5"

Friend "I am in a bind. I can't fiind a sitter"
Mary Anne " No problem I can help"
by alkajoha February 2, 2010
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