16 definitions by alchoholicanonymous

A term describing the Obama Administration's effect on our economy and our society as a whole. Also referring to Obama or his policies fucking something or someone up the ass.
America was such a great nation before it was Obumfuked.
by alchoholicanonymous April 6, 2015
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An emotion that white people feel while their communities are being infested with undesirables and minorities.
Ferguson Missouri cops have a bad case of Zimmermania.
by alchoholicanonymous April 6, 2015
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Windows OS which for some reason won't work worth shit. It came after Windows XP and before Windows 7. Gee, I think I'll just say "fuck it" and switch to Linux.
I had to upgrade my version of windows since Windows Pista will no longer work.
by alchoholicanonymous March 28, 2015
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An outbreak of ebola caused by Obama's foreign policies and immigration practices.
Another band of illegals just came over the boarder. Soon we will all have Obamabola
by alchoholicanonymous April 8, 2015
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Citizens of the once great state of California are actually mostly foreigners, making white folks the vast minority. This also accounts for the fact that the state always chalks up 55 electoral votes for the liberals every stinking election.
I was trying to drive thru LA, but kept being cut off by califoreigners. These califoreigners are making the state unsafe for white folks.
by alchoholicanonymous March 28, 2015
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When banks get money for next to nothing from the federal reserve and then loan it out to consumers at high interest rates.
My Visa Card has a 30% interest rape. Time for a balance transfer.
by alchoholicanonymous September 18, 2017
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Any abortion which takes place during Obama's reign of terror. Any abortion that can be attributed or linked to Obama's stance on partial birth abortion, stem cell research, or any late term abortion.
She got knocked up, and Obamacare came to the rescue by fully funding her Obortion.
by alchoholicanonymous April 8, 2015
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