137 definitions by alan

a term first coined by bruno morphet when referring to jaunbrand. it is normally used in a hushed tone.
hey bruno morphet. please make sure you put satan's little helper on the guestlist.
oh fuck. better pack in some girlie house.
by alan June 14, 2004
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Possessing all the resources in order to execute a task at hand, and then failing to pull it off. Often used in a romantic context. See dewardt.
Nope. He went home alone after pulling a deward.
by alan April 7, 2004
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Another trendy word meaning 'cool'
People look upon my duckbillness and say, "Wow, if only I was as duckbill as him"
by alan April 23, 2005
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the zen-point of coolness, presented with an airy, devil-may-care attitude.
damn. where did lola get that bandana? it's le chique le cool, nuff said!
by alan October 19, 2004
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a term loosely used to define coolness in a canine.
damn pippa sure has that thing!
yeah, she is le chique le cool.
by alan October 20, 2004
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The weepers on the Bowery went to Hop-Sing's to get their fix.
by alan June 5, 2004
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A word used by literature professors to express superiority.
"Faulkner's oeuvre is characterized by interminable posturing."

Or, less self-referentially: "I had oeuvre and sausage on toast for breakfast."
by alan April 15, 2005
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