57 definitions by aka_Pyro

Of or pertaining to a woman who begins their acting career nicely with a decent Disney remake of an old move, goes on to become a vixen, and ruins herself by dying her foxy red hair to a vomit color and finally to a greasy shade of black.
person1: Oh, you want to make movies that get crappier and crappier, and ruin the look that made you stand out as a fox in a crowd of sleazy bimbos by dying your hair? That's Lohantastic!
Lindsay: Cool, I have fans that support me!
by aka_Pyro April 1, 2007
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Many people of the Abrahamic religions, specifically Christianity, have a saying: No God, No Peace, Know God, Know Peace. I cannot honestly be expected to believe that being a Christian will mean that I will know peace when all the Abrahamic cults are warring with one another.

Instead, I'm just going to assume that 'devoting oneself to the highest power' means 'selling out the the ones who won't kill you if you join them.'

Everyone has their own opinion on religion, of course, and therefore, it is impossible to create a world-wide peace when peace is agreement not to be enemies. For example, if a faith requires enemies to survive, its practitioners will continue to kill and maim and hurt others until the faith is dead or every last 'heretic' is no more than a memory.

Besides, organized religion defeats the purpose of free will, if you haven't noticed. That's why I'm the free and happy atheist that is completely stigmatized against any religion that doesn't offer the power to summon monsters based on a pact with the religion's deity.

Final Fantasy has some cool religions in it, ever hear of the Yevonites? Oh, wait, their leaders are corrupt and evil. Ever hear of the Covenant, a religious collective of alien races with one single goal? Oh, wait, that involves the total annihilation of all intelligent life in the galaxy. Star Wars has the coolest religion of all, though. May the Force be with you, always.
Believing in a deity raises more barriers than it lowers. Know God, No Peace.
by aka_Pyro September 29, 2007
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When a game company lucks out with smash hit game, and then proceeds to crank out worthless clones of the game, cleverly disguising them as "sequels." A prime example is CapCom's MegaMan BattleNetwork series for Game Boy Advance, which began as a launch title for the handheld in 2001, but quickly became an incredibly long "series" of games that are all essentially the same game. Of course, the same thing could be applied to Nintendo and Game Freak's popular Pokemon series for Game Boy, GBA, and the DS.
Dude, WW2 games, Vietnam war games, and Atlus RPGs are suffering from the MegaMan effect.
by aka_Pyro May 8, 2007
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An acronym for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, the 2003 Game Boy Advance spinoff of Square's Final Fantasy Tactics for the Play Station from 1997. See Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
I like to play FFTA sometimes, because it is a game with serious replay value hidden beneath a cute and addictive exterior.

Square-Enix should pay me for all the time I spend glorifying their epic games.
by aka_Pyro November 4, 2007
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The purest of the purest form of crap. Virtually plotless, this book deserves to be banned. Outdated views of the world. Some gay emo dropout. This book SUCKS.
Catcher in the Rye is t3h uber-suXXorz.
by aka_Pyro May 8, 2007
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A famous video game console created by Microsoft. In its heyday, it had copious 1st and 3rd party support, in the form of game such as Halo: Combat Evolved by in-house developer Bungie Studios, and the GTA series by Rockstar Studios. This balance of developing and publishing power has earned the Xbox a reputation synonymous with socialism.
The Xbox, while having received a bad rap for being a product of Microsoft, was not unsuccessful, spawning the next system, the Xbox 360 in 2005.
by aka_Pyro May 13, 2008
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1. The act of owning the crap out of someone at any well-known Nintendo game.
2. The act of owning the crap out of someone who has been playing a game, esp. any Pokemon game, substantially longer than you.
3. The act of showing a n00b from some game forum their place after they openly assume they have been playing a game much longer than you, denounce you as a n00b, and are rudely awakened as you fulfill the second above definition whilst playing against them.
2. Scott: Weak, I just got NintendOwned at Gold by you!
Me: *in an elongated, exaggerated ebonic voice* Sho' ya
3. __H__ wrote: lol you noobs should begin to learn the game instead of abusing the gts. You are proud of ur bebi Pichu + Volttackle? Thats a Joke isn't it?? You got that Pichu by trading unfair. That's why it is Trash. Because of Guys like you, GTS is a place of little Brats - which don't know how to play the game. This Thread is not worth reading.

Me: Look, I know the gameplay inside and out. Trust me, when you've been playing as long as I have, because I started playing back in the days of Yellow, played all the way through Silver and Sapphire, and even beat the story mode of Colosseum, trust me, getting a pokemon in a trade that I'd never ever be able to get anyways unless I was an emerald addict is not ruining the game. How dare you call me a noob, you can't call someone a noob until they either announce their stupidity to the world, or you own them in a game of pokemon if they've been playing longer than you. Think I don't know how it works, buddy? I got Silver three months after my friend got Gold, he beat the game, I took a month to beat the game, we link battled, he lost, the battle was epic, and he *almost* had the upper hand with his Meganium's Ancientpower, but I got tired of that crap and Flame Wheeled him. Show respect for your veterans, you poser-bandwagon little n00b.
by aka_Pyro April 30, 2007
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