10 definitions by agentorange

used when someone/something appears unnattractive, for whatever reason.
"Whoa, this house looks a mess!"
"Girl, how much did you drink last night? You are lookin' a mess!"
by agentorange April 20, 2004
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term for biological women used primarily by gay men, either in a positive or derogatory way.

also used by gay men to complement female looking drag queens or transgender women that appear 'real' or too convincing to be men.

see also 'fishstick'
"Ugh! Why are there so many fish in the club tonight?"

"Hey girl, look at you! You're looking fish tonight!"

"Hey fishstick! You get prettier every day!"
by agentorange April 20, 2004
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n. Menard, Menards

1. Someone who is rather stupid or acts retarded.
2. A chain of stores in the midwest, much like Lowes.

adj. Menarded

1. The act of someone being stupid or retarded
1. Jessica is a Menard.
2. I saved at Menards!

1. You're fucking menarded.
by agentorange November 12, 2004
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normally used as a dismissive for a person's comments or an idea that is unwelcome or unpleasant. sometimes used after a look of disbelief.
1)Friend: "Girl what are you wearing? You look a mess."
Friend 2: "Ooh! Buh bye!"

2)Guy (joking): "You wanna mess around?"
Guy 2: "Dude! Buh bye!"
by agentorange April 20, 2004
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used to denote an unnattractive look or person, used especially in regard to tardy drag queens.
"We went to Jenna St. James' show last night"
"OOh! How did she look?!"
"Ugh! Trust, she looked like homemade sin!"
by agentorange April 20, 2004
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usually used in exclamation - derivitave of "Hell yeah!"
Friend: "Dude, I just found twenty bucks in my jeans, let's go buy some food!"
Friend 2: "Hellee!"
by agentorange April 20, 2004
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natural derivitive of the oft-used expression "no ma'am", formed rather recently and widely used by gay men in the plains/Southwest US.
"That nasty old man was hitting on me, and I was like "No ma'am.com!"
by agentorange April 19, 2004
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