29 definitions by adam_before_eve

dreary, boring, insect-infested state populated by people that mangle pronunciation of common words.
Prone to clueless politicians and misguided social programs that induce children to run away from home.
Almost as bad a state as Wisconsin.
I got transferred to Minnesota so I quit my job and started drinking.
Everyone I ran into in St. Paul was a box head.
by adam_before_eve March 18, 2006
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describes a woman so utterly and completely repulsive that you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about having sex with her.

One bag over her head.
Second bag over yours.
Third bag over the dog's head so it doesn't howl.
Fourth bag by the door in case anyone barges in.
"Cher is a four bagger."
'Paper or plastic'
"Plastic so I can suffocate afterwards"
by adam_before_eve April 29, 2006
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a fabulous visual artist that drew amazing comix - his characters also included Honeybunch Kaminsky and Pro Junior, along with Big Nurse
R. Crumb sketched out the alternative reality of kids circa 1970
by adam_before_eve September 10, 2005
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the Grafenburg (or Von Grafenburg) Spot, which isn't really a spot at all but an area of very sensitive nerve endings. It could seem like a spot to the uninitiated.
Stimulation brings her pleasure, and may be done either manually or with your penis. For best results using the latter, put a pillow under her rear end to elevate her hips, and you will find that each push will tickle her fancy like nobody's business.
When using manual stimulation, imagine that you are with Penelope Cruz or Salma Hayek and try using the index and middle fingers together like you were playing Spanish guitar, whilst using your thumb or your tongue on the clitoris and related naughty bits.
by adam_before_eve April 17, 2006
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A Swede.
The original box heads were Swedes, and others such as Albanians or Russians are merely Johnny-come-latelys to the group.
Have you ever noticed how Swedes have heads shaped like boxes? That must be why they are called box heads.

I drive a boxy Volvo because I am a box head.
by adam_before_eve March 18, 2006
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College as Trade School is another example of the commodification of modern life spills over into post-secondary education in alarming ways. The historic benefit of college previously included the perceived civilizing effect and greater awareness of the sweep of history and human progress. That aspect has been reduced in the headlong rush toward getting one's ticket punched to enter the workforce in a more favorable position. That is basically like getting a Fast Pass to jump ahead in line at an amusement park, only some readers and riders will get nauseous from the event.

If you dare to think about education for education's sake, or the immense satisfaction and richness of learning and appreciating a world beyond your immediate surroundings, then you will be ostracized in the 'get ahead now because you will miss out' ethic that is the hallmark of the current zeitgeist.
I paid a fortune for a BS, and found out about College as Trade School. I was surrounded by other BS people in a mad scramble to drink through the term and Google my derivative research paper topics.

He didn't study enough to make it into a good university, so he had to settle for College as Trade School. that condemned him to a life in (gasp!) middle class. At least he had been informed of all the great benefits of joining the consumerist cause and could now spend his way into lifelong debt on top of his student loans.

She only averaged 550 on each of her SAT sections and had to go to College as Trade School instead of to a great university.

He was desperate to break out of his sad chav existence, even if his ticket out was going to College as Trade School. That was better than a dreary live stuck in some Council flat playing bad football on Saturdays and chainsmoking. Thus continued the slide into the Malthusian hell of the early new millenium.

Demographics is destiny.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
by adam_before_eve October 21, 2006
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washed-up ex-SNL actor whose apogee was doing the 'making copies' skits about a hundred years ago. The rest of his oeuvre is forgettable, or better yet, unwatched.
Rob Schneider was a 90's concept that should have been left on the cutting room floor.
Rob Schneider obviously had 8x10 glossies of Lorne Michaels in a compromising position, otherwise he never would have gotten on SNL, let alone into any of those ridiculous movies.
by adam_before_eve January 7, 2006
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