29 definitions by adam_before_eve

n. a boxhead.
Swedes are known as boxheads due to their squarish heads.
Often used to describe a thick, dull, brutish fellow that is prone to drunkenness.
That Swede was such a boxhead that he had a Volvo and a Saab.
That Swede's noggin was box-shaped so that is why he was called a boxhead.
Shall we go to Ikea to see the boxheads?
by adam_before_eve April 9, 2006
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an economic term for the benefit you get (or retain) when you obtain something for less than you think it is really worth.
I got a new Gizmondo for 100 pounds and I would have paid up to 200 so I had a lot of consumer surplus.
That company has a monopoly so they jack up the prices to erode my consumer surplus.
by adam_before_eve September 10, 2005
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Mascot for the University of Spoiled Children, often seen mincing and prancing along the sidelines bow-legged at the LA Coliseum after having been reamed by some alumnus.
Tommy Trojan enjoys taking it up the ass from anyone, especially alumni that have USC bumper stickers.
by adam_before_eve July 29, 2006
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The 5th ring of hell is the ring that is reserved for bad spellers.
If you say "Your going to hell...", you are signing up for that one-way tour. You should say "You're going to hell..." or "You are going to hell...".
He failed to pass the GED and is on his way to the 5th ring of hell.
by adam_before_eve January 14, 2006
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biggest, baddest city in South Africa, where the diamond smugglers mingle with the carjackers to make life strange.
I had to get out of Johannesburg for the weekend so I flew to Cape Town for the ocean breezes.
by adam_before_eve April 9, 2006
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how you spell nuclear
dealing with the nucleus
typically used with power, bomb or submarine, and sometimes with family
we want NUCLEAR power
but the question remains: R-U-CLEAN?
the answer appears to be: UNCLEAR
by adam_before_eve June 25, 2006
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also spelled s'crapper: someone that gets by on scraps, or gets into scraps, and might as well live in a crapper; a down-and-outer, a loser
that dude is a real s'crapper - he lives in a refrigerator box in the alley; he is a scrapper.
by adam_before_eve September 4, 2005
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