18 definitions by ad

A clan skipping fag who configs online and gets carried by his team.
by ad August 27, 2003
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Preparation of cocaine for snorting by chopping into a fine powder and arranging into lines on a smooth surface ussually using a razor or credit card.
I just racked up a fat one on the toilet seat yeah... damn i fancy some more allready
by ad September 6, 2003
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what fucktards say for "to" or "too"
by ad December 17, 2003
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utterly awesome, the zenith of existance
Shaan: This buffalo burger is most psuedo-mondo.
AD: cosign.
by ad February 24, 2005
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A dance movement which involves flexing a part of body (pop) to a certain beat. Pop and lock has nothin to do with breakdancing you dumbass
I pop and lock to the beat of the music.
by ad July 23, 2004
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A womans Vagina, used in a sexual way.
Dom: Hey man did you get that womb last night?

Adam:Yeah, you know old boy, i got that..
by ad March 8, 2005
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