6 definitions by acchill

Those MFers over their are annoying as hell. We should get away from them.
by acchill December 30, 2016
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To go to a party just to smash some chicks and leave.
I went to the girls party just so I could have sex with some other girls and dip right after. I did a smash and dash
by acchill April 6, 2015
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A "twitter twiker" or "twiker" is somebody who repeatedly doesn't follow people back on Twitter when somebody follows them. Very common on Twitter today
That guys on Twitter has so many more followers than people he's following. He must be a real Twitter twiker!
by acchill May 27, 2015
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A girl that you're talking to or you have a thing with but she's not officially your girl friend
Makenna is my half girlfriend. We've been dating a little, but were not fully official yet
by acchill September 2, 2015
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A person with a hog head has a big, fatass head, just like a hog
My friend Chung, a sumo-wrestler, has a hog head because he is so big. He weighs like 500 lbs
by acchill December 30, 2016
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A serial blocker is somebody who regularly blocks others on social media, usually being for trivial, inconsequential, or unnecessary reasons. The person will usually have little or zero rationale for blocking some people over others, and will often times make false claims of wrongdoing by others as their rationale. Usually is somebody that is also a cliquish person and has a limited group of friends, therefore wanting to be left alone.
Ramien Izadi often blocks people on Instagram & Facebook, oftentimes without any or a reasonable cause, therefore making him a serial blocker. Usually does this after the first DM message
by acchill April 18, 2022
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