8 definitions by abel

N. The act of fornicating someone.
Adj. Having sexually favorable qualities
N. "DIZAMN! I want to sexor that beotch up!"

Adj. "Oh shit! Look at that ass, she is such teh sexor!"
by abel November 18, 2002
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"Remember that one scene in There's Something About Mary where Ben Stiller spooges and it gets on his ear!"
by abel November 18, 2002
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Poster on the Catacombs, an Internet messageboard for the Half-Life Mod Team Fortress Classic. Posts mostly pretentious bullshit on any number of academic subjects. Best known for his elitism, bitterness, and sarcasm.
Did you see Cain's latest long ass post? What a douche.
by abel January 25, 2005
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That foo paid $15 for a cd when he could of got it for free, what a sucka fool!
by abel November 2, 2003
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Also good for using after your mom, your face, and the ever popular your mom's face
Abel: That's stupid
Bevers: Your mom is stupid
ABel: Your face is stupid
Bevers: your mom's face is stupid
abel: your mom's face is stupid...in bed
by abel November 26, 2004
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noun. Typically following either holy or guaca, it is one of many ancient words from centuries past whose hidden power and meaning shines brightly when orally ingested or orally emitted in a sudden moment of passion. The one unfortunate fact about is.. no one can be told what the moly is, you have to see it for yourself.

"Ahhh, these chips are so bland and in dire need of dipping. Quick, pass the guacamoly please!"
by abel April 14, 2005
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