1 definition by a person who actually knows

If you bash this band then your an idiot. You probably haven't even listened to half their music. You just want to whine like a bitch because you know their so good that it scares you. It scares you that they're better that any other band out there. Don't bother to compare them to like Led Zeppelin and Nirvana because they are just so beyond them. I don't care if Thom Yorke messes up when he sings live. Some of those fucking songs are like 15 YEARS OLD!!!! He has such a variety of song so he has to constantly change his singing style. Who fucking cares that Greenwood doesn't play like Eddie Van Halen. Quite frankly, Van Halen's guitar solos give me a fucking headache. Just because its complicated doesn't mean its any good. For all you people complaining about the fact that they stopped making guitar music after The Bends you can go fuck your self. Kid A is one of the greatest Albums ever made. The music is goddamn beautiful. "How To Disappear Completely" and "Kid A" take me to another fucking dimension. They are classics that nothing can ever match. If you can't see that, you obviously are fucking blind to music.

Oh yea, Thom Yorke could care less about any critisim that they recieve. Why? Fame is not fucking important to him. He could care less about putting on a show or being labeled as a "rock star". Its all about the music. And the music that he made fucking shits on any other artist that ever walked the fucking earth. And it all does have meaning in it YOU FUCKING LOUD MOUTH IDIOTS. If you can't grasp the whole concept of OK Computer, your a fucking idiot. If you need me to interperet the songs for you because its too hard you can email me and I can work with you. Otherwise shut your fucking mouth because you have no clue what you are saying when you bash the greatest musicians that this planet has ever seen.
asshole: Radiohead is soo just a one hit wonder with that song Creep.

me: You really just have no goddamn clue
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