4 definitions by _heatopia420blazeitdawg
A girl called rebecca’s boyfriend, joe, got impregnated by an alien and had triplets. rebecca then ate the alien mother to get revenge. the baby aliens were also eaten and tasted like deodorant wearing, goopy chickens with a hint of lemon and lime flavoured water.
by _heatopia420blazeitdawg July 16, 2019
Bo Jones is an annoying, quick witted and talented young adult. She has an obsession with bad films such as harry potter, call me by your name and nightmare before Christmas. She likes the seed ‘420690304’ on minecraft and thinks mads heaton is the greatest person of all time.
interviewer: “Hi, Bo...right?
Bo: “Yes, Bo Jones. Tall, dark hair, fringe. Centre of attention” *extends hand for handshake*
Bo: “Yes, Bo Jones. Tall, dark hair, fringe. Centre of attention” *extends hand for handshake*
by _heatopia420blazeitdawg November 13, 2019
An underrated character in the MCU that none of the directors, writers or executives are showing affection towards and is finally getting a show.
by _heatopia420blazeitdawg July 16, 2019
when saying it, you have to sound mysterious. almost like the end of a cowboy movie where the hero walks off into the sunset, never to be seen again. say it when someone asks you for something. NOT IN ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES.
friend: “hey bro, will you come to the shop with me to pick up some bread?”
me: *looks at friend and lights a cigarette* “nah g, nah.” *walks off into sunset*
me: *looks at friend and lights a cigarette* “nah g, nah.” *walks off into sunset*
by _heatopia420blazeitdawg July 17, 2019