35 definitions by Zor Prime

Synonym for "there", when speaking in the context of place or location.
"Shee-it, dog. You gone let them po-lice gank all yo weed from up-in theyah?"
by Zor Prime November 25, 2003
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Reportedly or confirmed to be a true statement or representation (opposite of work).

(note that sometimes a shoot can actually turn out to be a work or a rib... unless it's an iggy)
"Don't let all the marks work you into a shoot!" -Hollywood Hulk Hogan
by Zor Prime November 22, 2003
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"We was just gettin our swerve on when Mac-D jumped all up and ruint the domino table screamin' 'DOMINOMUTHAFUCKAZ!'"
by Zor Prime December 2, 2003
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Someone who falsly represents themself as a technological authority by using trendy buzz-words he or she read on the backs of modem boxes at Wal-Mart.
<BO2KUSR>Man, I really pipeline burst attacked that guy a few minutes ago over my SLIP 300BAUD-T4 connection to his telnet.

<AOLsiPWNM3>Whoa, cool. How did you do that? I heard he had 512 bit IP address encryption with smurf spoof.

<@g0d>STFU yuo fsckin' box readers!
by Zor Prime December 2, 2003
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scr --> str

Word prefix: A synonym for 'str'. In about half the cases one might hear the 'scr' sound in the beginning of a word, it may be safe to substitute a 'str' to gleen the synonym term.
"Issue gone keep goin' scraight down this screet, niggah? Cain'tchu see them Jordans is hangin' over the powah lines ovah theyah?
by Zor Prime November 25, 2003
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Synonym for Rib: One of any of the bones in the thoracic structure in vertibrates that encases the cavity between the head and diaphragm. When prepared in or with baba-que sauce, it is considered a cultural favorite food item among urban folk.

Note: not to be confused with the Mac Ree-ib, which has no bones.
"Hey-yo Chauncy! You steel got ree-ib sauce in yo chinstrap. Here go a baby wipe."
by Zor Prime November 25, 2003
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Acronym for "Point of Sale". Used to describe anything dealing with the physical area where goods or services are purchased in B2C and sometimes B2B business situations. Then end sales point for retail sales.
Hey Englebert, could you get that new P.O.S. machine out to the Acme roto-tiller sales shop today? They've been down for a week and have been having to keep paper records the whole time.
by Zor Prime November 14, 2003
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