15 definitions by Zelda199

1. A hat of a gay nature in the sense that it is either happy and carefree, ridiculous and stupid, or swings the other way (more than likely a mixture of these three).

2. A hat to be worn by gays ONLY ie people of a homosexual orientation. No exeptions: heterosexuals, bi-sexuals, gay/bi-curious people cannot wear a gay hat. Under penalty of death if this rule is violated. Yes, death.
a) "Oh my, you have such a gay hat!"

b) "Have you seen my gay hat? I need it for the seminar, woman!"
by Zelda199 January 15, 2007
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Referred to in popular American sitcom Friends, in which in one episode Phoebe and Joey concoct an 'evil' plan to get Rachel and Ross back together by setting them both up on terrible dates in the hope that they realise how right they are for one another or something.

But anyway, once they have formed the plan Phoebe points out that this means they can do the plan laugh, which is basically an evil laugh which follows the creation of a good ol' fashioned evil plan. Usually used by villains such as Bond villains etc.

It goes a bit like this, "Muahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa"
Phoebe: Ooooooh, now we get to do the plan laugh!
Joey: How does that go?
Phoebe: Muahahahahahaaaa
Joey: Oh I get it, wohohohohohooooo...
Phoebe: It's not Santa's plan.
by Zelda199 January 6, 2007
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A prostitute who rather than selling sex and things like that, sells hugs.

Depending on how good the hug prostitute is at providing their service, you may have to pay rather a lot for a good hugging session.

Some hug prostitutes run special offers where they come up to you in the street and ask if you'd like a one-off free hug.

One of the only forms of legal prostitution is hug prostitution.

If you don't pay a hug prostitute after you are satisfied hug-wise, they attack you.
Hug prostitute: I'll spoon you for the night but it'll cost you £100.
by Zelda199 February 19, 2007
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An expression of shock, anger, surprise or general exclaimation. Sounds like a scream, yell or shout.
1. Argh! Go away!

2. Argh! You scared me!
by Zelda199 October 20, 2006
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Typing shortcut for a turtle emoticon on MSN Messenger. So if you type (tu) in the box and press enter, a small picture of a turtle will appear. I think it only works on version 6 or higher though.
(On an MSN convo)
Harry: What's your fave animal?
Elaine: A turtle!
Harry: What do they look like then?
Elaine: (tu)
by Zelda199 March 22, 2007
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Typo of <3 (heart symbol, tilt your head to the left n00b =P)

Usually occurs when the shift key is held down to type the "<" and not released in time or at all to type the "3", resulting in "£" being typed instead.

Usually used in chat rooms or web messenger applications such as MSN.
Amy: I <£ you Liam
Liam: What?
Amy: Eek I meant I <3 you
Liam: What?
Amy: Pfffft look up <3 on Urban Dictionary.
by Zelda199 January 6, 2007
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One of the two genders of all living things, the other being male. Females are physically indentifiable by their sexual organs which differ from a male's (well it's true I'm not being crude on purpose), a female having a vagina and breasts, the latter not being developed until puberty around the early to late teens.
A typical (I said typical!) female will have long hair and softer, more feminine features than a male, and wear more aesthetically pleasing clothing, getting away with colours such as pink or lilac which a male will more than likely get slated for wearing.
A female of any species has the job of giving birth and caring for offspring, except seahorses; the female lays the eggs, the males fertilises them and then carries the fertilised eggs until they develop into baby seahorses and are 'born'. However the 'non-politically correct' job of human females is not only to produce and care for offspring, but not work and stay at home to cook and clean and care for the house. They must also remain faithful to their husband and care for and obey him. But in the last few decades, feminists have become more prominent in society: mainly females but also males intent on getting equal rights for men and women. Sadly in doing so some (not all!) of these feminists, usually the women, have become sexist themselves and slate men at every given opportunity. But if you want to hear more about that then look up male in urban dictionary.
In truth the only differences and inequalities between males and females are the physical ones; general appearance, reproductive organs and stereotypical style. Men and women both have mood swings and hormones. They both can be violent and bad tempered. They both are capable of sleeping around. They both have the capacity to cheat on their significant other or treat them badly. They can both be immature. They both are able to be sexist, racist, prejudiced, unfair, corrupt, discriminating and every other awful thing you can think of. But they can also both be the most beautiful, intelligent, loving, caring, generous and fair people on this earth, if only they'd let go of their unjust ideas and realise: we only live once. There are no second chances. We should be celebrating life, not ending it; we should appreciate every second we are with our loved ones, not abuse them and their trust; we should be making friends with everyone possible, not making enemies with everyone they don't like the look of.
But this is not a rant, it is a definition. If you wanted that, look at the example.
1. A stereotypical female has long hair, is attractive, straight and wears make up and pretty clothing.
by Zelda199 November 25, 2006
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