49 definitions by Zeke

similar to the wider known "shart" but solid not runny. occurs when one trys to ease out a fart and instead shits hard and painfully.
i got drunk on the plane & had a fit, everyone could smell it and they knew it was me.
by Zeke February 19, 2004
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"Female" that put the fear of God in men everywhere. Had classic she-mullet with shaved side burns.
Dude #1: Are you going to the basketball game?
Dude #2: Hell no!
Dude #1: Why not?
Dude #2: I heard that the Iron Maiden might be there.
Dude #1: Shit, I'm outy!
by Zeke May 7, 2005
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nice way of saying 'yo'. l33t sp34k.
j0 j00 h4x0r. \/\/hU+ Up?
by Zeke May 10, 2003
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How George W. Bush would describe himself as a president, spelling and all.
"I'm a great presidant, and I think our children is going to learn better now that I've invaded Iraq and plan to ban gay marriage."
by Zeke December 16, 2004
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noun meaning a small boys penis.
Boy, quit playin with your dooler dinkle!
by Zeke October 21, 2004
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