103 definitions by Zack

This is a emmence combonation of wonderfull, fantastic, and hotistic.
It is used on a rare occasion to portray a truley spectacular thing.
Wow, Carey really is wondertasticfullistic, isnt she?
by Zack March 1, 2005
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a gay male who is always on the bottom in gay sex; normally the one who takes in in the butt.
"Man Reed is major power bottom
by Zack March 20, 2005
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a wily puerto rican who is compelely uncappable of making up his own jokes. instead he just reapeats other peoples jokes until they are worn out and unfunny.
o shit here comes theis everyone stop laughing.
by Zack January 23, 2003
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High grade Cannabis. Usually associated with the White Widow and Blueberry genetic strands.
I got a z of that headie shit.
by Zack December 8, 2002
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I'm gonna take my skin boat to her tuna town.
by Zack February 24, 2003
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Acronym for cosplaying otaku with an unhealthy addiction to DDR.
Don't be an Oshi, get a life.
by Zack March 7, 2004
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