3 definitions by ZachariahJebediah

A place where ugly people can go to meet fat people and then they can make ugly fat small people (babies) or fugbabies.
I met a girl on like a little and she was so fat I threw up in my mouth when she came over. We still had sex anyway.
by ZachariahJebediah April 6, 2011
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Verb : The act of throwing a half eaten chicken nugget with barbecue sauce all of over it through the fast food window. Usually occurs when you put in multiple orders for one car, and one order comes before the others.
What in the hell is taking her so long?

I'm gonna barbecue nugget this Bitch.

by ZachariahJebediah April 6, 2011
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A rare augmentation of the regular Leanna. She retains some similar qualities - she is still beautiful, charming, and can be found at parties. However the bananna form of Leanna is the easiest to make fun of. She will usually have multiple nick names most of which are offensive. Many people who have never encountered Leanna Bananna before will be urged to poke her. Leanna Bananna spends her evenings and weekends consuming massive amounts of alcohol, and is known to drink most large men under the floor.
Did you see Leanna Bananna?

Yea she was so drunk and smelly...
by ZachariahJebediah April 6, 2011
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