70 definitions by Z

the best contry ever, and the richest one, and the contry with the best babes!
-wow! what is that?
-it's Norway!
-ah, coooool!!!!!!!!
by Z April 9, 2005
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A severe case of marination. To sit idle for hours upon hours in a chill or relaxed state.
After having 3 exams I go into hibernation mode which may include doing absolutely nothing.
by Z May 3, 2003
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a hip joint in albuquerque NM ran by these 2 dudes who sell hookahs and tobacco.
I stopped by hookah kings yesterday and smoked a bowl of cherry shisha.
by Z July 20, 2004
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Name given to Cassie by McPimp due to her distinctive? voice.
Yep Man Voice was over at Dale's last night riding raw
by Z February 25, 2004
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Like spiffy but more fun to say.
That show is spiffy keen.

This dog is spiffy keen.
by Z October 3, 2004
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To be camping or near a fire outside and the wind quickly changes direction blowing smoke and ash in your face.
SHIT! i just got ashfaced
by Z March 20, 2005
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a sick fucker who gave communism a bad rep!
stalin sat millions of people in prison for allmost no reason!
by Z April 9, 2005
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