70 definitions by Z

variation of the word legit or legitimate sometimes used in place of chill or cool
Hey, 'sup man?
im jus chillin
Thats lagit
by Z October 21, 2004
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he's a ravinder child!
by Z May 27, 2003
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n. 1) a tacky word used to avoid further elaboration on a boring subject as it causes the second party major headache while trying to figure out what it means. 2) a meaningless word used in place of another word whose existence or meaning can't be recalled by the user.
boring person: yeah, i just put out a memo to remind everyone to turn in their OPR reports--
intelligent person: well there must be something wrong with my shpooga connection because i didn't receive it.
wife: honey, what did you do with my curling iron?
husband: i thought you gave me shpooga {permission} to use it.
by Z May 7, 2005
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Bullshit, something out of order or mixed up, something that you don't feel like explaining
What did you do today?....Oh just a bunch of garble.
by Z June 12, 2003
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n. (slang) General term for venereal disease, esp. viral strains which cannot be cured.
I hear he's dating Amy now... I wonder if he knows she's got The Funk.
by Z December 22, 2004
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HAAP is not a f*** word!
by Z April 10, 2005
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Rolling On The Flor, Laughing My Ass Off.
Used instead of the out of date LOL.
rotflmao, that sucks.
by Z April 10, 2005
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