70 definitions by Z

Abbrev. of the derogatory phrase "Chair-to-Keyboard Interface"; Used to clandestinely express that a computer problem was due to user error, or the fault of the user; A common source of computer problems.

Variation: "CKI" (or Chair-Keyboard Interface)

Related term: noob
The tech, after only a few minutes of work, figured out that the computer crashes were caused by the CTKI, and highly recommended replacing that defective part.
by Z June 15, 2004
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A bigger woman. We're talkin 300+ pounds of raw fat. Usually particularly stinky.
Today on the bus, Wojnar stole my bagged lunch.
by Z June 15, 2003
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Charm City. It's called Charm City. The benches in Baltimore also say, "Baltimore - The City That Reads" because you're supposed to read when you sit down on a bench.
by Z March 15, 2005
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A common production toilet...a term used by pumbers.
What $ amout is in the contract for the dweeb
by Z December 18, 2003
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A unit of cell phone reception in a given area, on a base scale of four.
Wow, we're in the middle of nowhere, and I've got three bars.
by Z May 12, 2004
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to be so intoxicated that it is not possible to be any more intoxicated
Stuart was munted after the 22nd beer.
by Z March 31, 2003
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So totally better than you and then some. The best of everything and everyone. So much better than you, your mom, and your dog. Better than 1337, more than 1337, overly 1337, so 1337 it's painful. The best of all and everything and you and your dog.

Contraction of über (also, though incorrectly, known as uber) and 1337.
That guy is über 1337; no one can beat him!
by Z October 3, 2004
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