7 definitions by Yung Fiji Fre$h

To be on another level of stoned. Basically being 11/10 stoned
Bruh im super zarnished right now after those 4 blunts
by Yung Fiji Fre$h February 13, 2019
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To be the most stoned you ever been and basically cant move
Bro im so fried rn and i cant get up.

Damn bro you Mummified
by Yung Fiji Fre$h January 16, 2021
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another term for saying something is "gas" , "fire" or "slaps"
Bro this song absolutely Honks
by Yung Fiji Fre$h June 29, 2020
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Another term for someone getting wrecked in a movie or game
Guy 1: yo i Dirted that dude over there

Guy 2: nice, go collect his loot
by Yung Fiji Fre$h August 15, 2021
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Is what its called when youve taken multiple insanely bad dumps in a day (Growlers)
Bro ive been having severe Growlatosis today
by Yung Fiji Fre$h July 24, 2022
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