51 definitions by Young Reezie

Yet another sad poonless loner with absolutely no life, who has taken up hammer ---; , hytham's torch as the Urban Dictionary editor with the most time on his hands. Currently at 532,860 decisions (351 per day), he would have spent 4.2 years of non-stop editing everyday in between jacking off to tentacle hentai porn in his parent's basement alone in the dark, surrounded by empty pizza boxes and beer cans, sweating profusely in his greasy t-shirt and semen-stained underpants. Occasionally his mother yells at him to get off his fat lazy ass but she has secretly given up all hope of him doing anything with his life. Thus mertqq's only solace is the fact that he has made the most decisions on urbandictionary.com where he spends all his nights checking the 'Users' list from time to time to ensure his decision-making superiority remains uncontested.

Congratulations mertqq.
hammer ---; , hytham has moved on, it is possible he found a job, but most likely he has simply died of diabetes or other complication from his obesity. It is only a matter of time mertqq succumbs to his poor lifestyle and diet, and someone else takes the torch.

Will it be you?
by Young Reezie October 13, 2010
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Similar to bed head however instead of indicating you just got out of bed, it looks like you just gave head.

Characterized by a large hand print on the back of ones head.
by Young Reezie February 15, 2008
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Short form for "heil" from "heil Hitler". Used by troublemakers to greet one another in a hilarious fashion while hiding the fact they're paying homage to Hitler, and getting their asses kicked.
H: hut hut
K: wow...
by Young Reezie January 24, 2008
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A small (5 foot 2 inches) Korean with a very small penis and hairy back. Has a ridiculous balding hairdo which looks like someone threw a wig in a cotton candy machine and glued the mess to his head, smells of old socks and has the fashion sense of a blind autistic child. Also cannot spek Engrish good.

Leader of a cruddy subcountry known as North Korea which houses a few half-assed nuclear weapons and a lot of starving gooks.
Kim Jong Il: I am cool
Dude: You are short, grow away
by Young Reezie January 24, 2008
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80% of the worlds' passwords
its for ppl who are too lazy to think up a password, they just type asdasd
by Young Reezie January 31, 2008
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An insult or a greeting amongst friends. Stands for penis wrinkle or a fold of skin on the penis.
D-Howe: hey peen wrink
B: wtf
P: you neard!
by Young Reezie January 29, 2008
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Blood is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body's cells – such as nutrients and oxygen – and transports waste products away from those same cells.
Nerd: In vertebrates, blood is composed of blood cells suspended in a liquid called blood plasma. Plasma is mostly water and contains dissolved proteins, glucose, mineral ions, hormones, platelets and blood cells themselves. The blood cells present in blood are mainly red blood cells and white blood cells, including leukocytes and platelets. The most abundant cells in vertebrate blood are red blood cells. These contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein, which facilitates transportation of oxygen by reversibly binding to the respiratory gas and greatly increasing its solubility in blood.

Blood: wtf u sayin, east coast bloods nigga, im taxing dis watch bitch

Nerd: please dont hurt me...
by Young Reezie December 11, 2009
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