36 definitions by Yamato Yamamoto

The Hebrew year number for this year (2021). It is the 5,781st year since the creation of the world.
Random dude: Hey, when did you post this?
Me: I posted it on May 7th, 5781.
by Yamato Yamamoto May 7, 2021
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A Hebrew calendar month, following Shevat and preceding Nisan. In common years, Adar has 29 days. In embolismic years, Adar is counted twice, with Adar I having 30 days and Adar II having 29 days.
I was born in Adar. (Not actually true)
by Yamato Yamamoto May 15, 2021
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A Gregorian non-leap year starting on a Sunday.
In the U.S. and Canada, Daylight Saving Time 2023 starts on March 12 and ends on November 5. In Europe, it starts on March 27 and ends on October 30.
by Yamato Yamamoto February 18, 2022
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A song by Hikakin and Seikin, two YouTubers, written in 2018.
American man: Hey, what’s your favorite song?
Japanese man: Oh, it’s “Ima.”
by Yamato Yamamoto May 7, 2021
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What a teenager says when he/she can’t make a decision about whether he/she wants to go upstairs or downstairs.
Dad: Shall we have dinner upstairs or downstairs?
Son: How about… dupstairs?
Dad: If you can’t decide, we'll have to decide for you.
by Yamato Yamamoto May 3, 2023
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Also known as: 11:58 PM

A time of day in between 23:57 and 23:59.
- Hey, what time is it?
- It’s 23:58. Time to get to bed.
by Yamato Yamamoto May 13, 2021
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The 703rd minute after midnight and the seventeenth before noon, the time right between 11:42 and 11:44.
Today I stayed in bed until 11:43.
by Yamato Yamamoto April 23, 2022
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