13 definitions by YGproductions

A severe side effect of excessive use of opiates that causes ones dick to render them unable to piss. Usually caused by more hard drugs like heroin, morphine, and prescription painkillers. The user might also not be able to ejaculate and/or get an erection.
"Man that opiate cock sure has me raging."
"Damn dude I have been jacking off for hours and I can't cum from dat opiate cock."
"I can't even stand up to piss because this opiate dick is shriveled up into my body."
by YGproductions May 25, 2017
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The act of loading your lip with a fat hammer of tobacco while simultaneously using an electronic vapor device.
Bro you are daping so hard!

Man I wish daping didn't require so much skill...
by YGproductions April 22, 2016
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When one-hundred percent of your bodies blood flow is directed into and through your penis, causing you to blackout and possibly never come back from your self-induced coma.
The only downfall of Bart finally eradicating his blue balls was succumbing to an ejacufaint episode.

Damn dude, yesterday I had a near death ejacufaint episode!
by YGproductions July 10, 2016
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When a person ejalculates while playing the game "Pokemon go." This usually occurs near spawn points of legendary/rare Pokemon. The same can occur if one is instantly banned due to excess modding.
Kevin is that Mewtew??

Ughhh I just Pokemon Goo'd!
by YGproductions July 30, 2016
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Being unable to shit due to excess use of opiates. Laxatives are Jesus.
Bro I literally had the opiate shits so bad last night after downing those trammies.
by YGproductions May 11, 2016
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Jerking your chicken with the speed of a cheetah.
Damn bro, my arm sure is tired after my arm cardio session!
by YGproductions May 3, 2016
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