452 definitions by YAWA

The individual designated as transportation coordinator in a crowd of usually intoxicated persons.
Yo! Where's the Drivin' Bitch? I need a ride to get me some titties and pussy!
by YAWA July 5, 2021
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An individual, usually a medical doctor, with profound insensitivity, intractable callousness and severe emotional retardation sufficient to disqualify from all but a select few, highly structured environments where social interaction is anticipated.
See that guy?
He's a medical-grade asshole
(really? seems like he's created a fairly nice life for himself and his family)
THAT doesn't matter; he's a total social disaster
(maybe social structure isn't really an important motivating force for him)
Well, it SHOULD BE
(perhaps. what's he do for a living?)
Oh, he's an arrogant physician, a surgeon in fact.
(I see. Seems like that would require some intelligence, dedication and fortitude)
I'm sure. But it's much more important to have highly developed social skills and emotional maturity.
(so without those attributes, other seemingly separate accomplishments are diminished?)
Absolutely. He would be a MUCH BETTER person IF he had them.
(seems like you care more about those things than he does, why is that?)
Because I see so much POTENTIAL; if he would just get with the program.
(your program?)
Yes! He needs to do better.
(and what do you think would happen to him if he doesn't?)
Well, he will continue to be a medical-grade asshole
(and who do you think will be bothered most by that?)
ME, clearly! He's so insensitive!
(so it bothers YOU that HE comes off as insensitive?)
Yes! I want to HELP him!
(ok, you want to help him to become something that he's potentially incapable of becoming?)
He's not incapable
(has he ever tried to force you to go to medical school?)
What? Why would I do that? I'm not the least bit interested in going to ...
by YAWA June 29, 2023
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With a particular emphasis trending social media--the forwarding, re-Tweeting, and otherwise propagating in-box material to as many contacts as possible over the shortest period of time.
Now THAT'S a fuckin' Tweet-Storm ... IMPOTUS Rage Share Record: 105 in 3 hrs. Nuthin' better to do, I guess.
by YAWA May 11, 2020
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That special time of the year when IMPOTUS presents all of the administration's past lies--in the context of it's future misdeeds--to Congress and the American people.
ready to digest some massive, spun up bullshit?

it's time for the State of Disunion Address ...
by YAWA February 5, 2020
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