108 definitions by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx

A war crime that wiped out nearly all Assyrians on the planet. It was carried out by the Ottoman Empire on the Assyrians, a Christian minority group who lived in modern day Iraq. The Ottomans blamed Christian minorities for conspiracy with the allied powers, and proceeded to attempt to wipe out the entire Greek, Armenian, and Assyrian population, and nearly succeeded. While Greeks and Armenians are still plentiful today because many of them lived in neighboring countries, thus safe from the genocide, Assyrians were located entirely in the Ottoman Empire, and thus, up to 80% of them died. Assyrians had their villages burned, Churches destroyed, and belongings stolen by Ottoman soldiers. Then, they were led on a march to nowhere, where most of them died. If you somehow survived that, it would be forced labor for men and possible rape for women.
Despite all of this, Turkey still refuses to admit that the Assyrian genocide and the others were crimes against humanity, insisting they were necessary to save the empire from espionage.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 31, 2020
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The time preceding a major shitty phase in ones life. You don’t think much of it in the moment, but once you’re past it and you’ve entered the bad phase of life, the before times come back to haunt you, angry that you weren’t grateful for them. You get this intense feeling of despair, you’d do ANYTHING to go back to the before times. But that’s the thing, once they’re gone, you can only move forward.
The whole world in 2020 now remembers 2019 as the Before Times.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx December 21, 2020
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Something I am because I’m an unmarried Christian male.
I’m a Virgin because I’m religiously prohibited from engaging in premarital sex.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx August 26, 2020
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Something you say to someone when they need to stop procrastinating and/or willfully ignoring problems around them that need to be solved. When someone is willfully slacking off, this is a great term to use.

When someone has their head in their ass, it means they're intentionally avoiding the subject of problems that need to be fixed, or they're intentionally making themselves ignorant of a problem. People do this because they think the problem may just disappear, but it never will, that's just life. You have to confront your troubles, not ignore them.
Mom: Jake, how's homework and school going?

Jake: I don't know I'm just taking a nap

Mom: It's 10PM, have you even started today's homework?!?

Jake: No mom it's fine

Mom: NO Jake, it's not fine, Pull your head out of your ass and get to work, or else you're gonna end up being a failure and a drug addict just like your disowned half brother!

Jake: FINE Mom!
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 22, 2020
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An underrated Balkan country that most people didn't even know existed until 2006 when it broke away from union with Serbia. They speak their own language (Mutually intelligible with Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian). It's a very mountainous country. It's got very rich history. It was one of the two nations that founded Yugoslavia, along with Serbia. Very few people know anything about Montenegro. It's underrated and very beautiful.
Montenegro is a historically and culturally rich nation. It was, for a very long time, the only nation in the Balkans that managed to stay outside the control of Austria and the Ottomans.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 25, 2021
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A year before a presidential election in which no one can get along, everyone is divided, cancel culture is rampant, and it seems endless until the day after the winner is announced and we go back to being normal for 3 years until the next election year.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 2, 2020
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