108 definitions by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx

A crime which almost half the people who commit it get away with it. Killing another human being.

Not all forms of killings are considered murder. Accidental killings are usually not, although they may constitute a lesser offense such as manslaughter if done extremely carelessly. Self Defense killings also usually not considered a crime, but may constitute voluntary manslaughter if done with excessive force or under a mistaken belief that one's life is in danger. (Varies by circumstance extremely). In some countries, the death penalty is carried out and is not considered murder, while in most, it IS considered murder and is therefore abolished. In some states, lethal force is authorized if one's property is in danger. For example, if I see someone stealing a TV from my driveway, my life is not in danger, but my belonging is, so in some states, that alone is justification to use lethal force.
In some places, murder is punishable by death. This is usually only reserved for first degree, premeditated and planned out murder. Most often though, First Degree murder is punished by life imprisonment with parole eligibility after a certain number of years. Sometimes there is no parole eligibility. Second Degree Murder is usually punished by a fixed term imprisonment, usually around 20-40 years in prison, but in some jurisdictions, it's punishable by life with parole.

Even when a prisoner is eligible for parole, it's rarely granted for murder. In fact, parole eligibility serves a purpose mainly for mental health. A prisoner who 100% certainly will spend their life in jail deteriorates rapidly, while a prisoner with SOME prospect for release has an incentive to behave well and stay healthy.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 10, 2020
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The asshole who let George Floyd die and tried preventing witnesses from recording it. Charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder. Currently free on $750,000 bail. Likely to do several decades behind bars for what he did.
Tou Thao could have intervened and saved George Floyd, but instead he sat there yelling at witnesses. Despite this, he walks as a free man, at least for now.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 28, 2020
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the second bitch who took away half your fortune, meaning you now only have 25% of your money left, half of which your third wife will take away when she divorces you.
my second ex wife stole the kids and half my money, just like my first ex wife.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 21, 2020
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A term New Englanders who reside outside of Massachusetts know very well. They are reckless, careless drivers from Massachusetts who think that they own the road. It’s rare to ever see one use their turn signal.
Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine have friendly drivers, and our roads would be perfect if not for the massholes and New Yorkers.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx January 25, 2021
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When you see a Massachusetts license plate, you better be on high alert. Massholes bring their assholery onto the otherwise peaceful neighboring states Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. They find the need to make extremely dangerous moves. They are the best at demonstrating this on the roads, where they will make extremely dangerous moves just to get ahead one or two car lengths. They will also be very rude to store clerks, waiters, and people passing on the street.
Man I'm sick of all these massholes coming to Maine and being menaces on the roadways.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx August 22, 2021
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An absolute amazing instrument in a car. A very simple yet useful instrument which is BUILT to allow you to warn other drivers of danger, but really is 90% of the time used to tell another driver that they're an asshole.

A WARN Honk is usually two or three short taps on the horn, followed by holding the horn down if it doesn't get the attention of the driver.

A "you're a dick" honk is usually held down for about 1-3 seconds to clearly inform someone that they've pissed you off.

A "GO!" Honk for someone sitting at a green light is usually 2 short taps on the horn.
I honk my car horn when some jackass decides to cheat traffic and cut into my lane from a turn only lane. They deserve to be honked at because they need to be told that they're not special and they're an asshole for cutting the line when the rest of us wait.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 10, 2020
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That part of America that just couldn’t be bothered to tag along when we rebelled against the British. After this, America and Britain fought over this land on numerous occasions (Maine border disputes, lake of the Woods map mistake, 54’40 or fight) yet Britain still held on to it for 200 years. Unlike America, Canadian independence was a gradual process, not an immediate one. It was granted increased autonomy and full independence in 1982.
America and Canada should never have been separated. Culturally we are very similar, we are located on the same continent, and unlike America’s southern border, all you’ll find dividing America and Canada are painted lines on roads, flower pots, and the border runs right through a few towns. Stark contrast to America’s southern border, just proves US and Canada are alike enough to trust each other.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 5, 2021
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