108 definitions by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx

A man who is wrongly portrayed as evil. He was not evil, racism was simply a fact of life back then. He also didn’t kill all native Americans, most of them died by disease.
Keep Christopher Columbus day! He was a smart man who gave birth to the modern Western Hemisphere. None of us Americans would be here without him. He didn’t slaughter all the Natives, disease killed them.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx September 29, 2020
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Someone who doesn't understand how vaccines work and refuse to educate themselves.

Smart Person: No, Vaxidiot, autism involves a chemical imbalance in the brain, it is not an injectable disease


Smart Person: But didn't you get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Vaxidiot #2: Yes but I'M SCARED AHHH

Smart Person: Calm yourself, you're vaccinated and protected, do you seriously not understand how vaccines work?
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx March 17, 2021
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An individual who is so clueless, reckless, stupid, or careless, that it's only a matter of time before they cause serious harm to themselves or someone around them.
Whenever you see a Toyota Corolla with it's back bumper taped together with duck tape pressed on half ass, and the front bumper straight up gone, it's a pretty safe bet that they're a ticking time bomb and they're a terrible driver who needs to be avoided at all costs.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx December 24, 2020
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The mass murder of Iraqis by the us for our damn oil.
Bush killed thousands in the Iraq war
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 14, 2020
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Something 50% of married couples get when they can't overcome their stupid differences and are willing to put their kids through pain and misery because they can't act like adults and overcome their differences.

That's 75% of divorces. The other 25% are for good reason, like abuse, drugs, or infidelity, but most divorces are over stupid shit that the couple could just grow up and overcome.'

Also, only an idiot can have a divorce more than once.
50% of Married couples get a divorce.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 11, 2020
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When you're so blinded by political correctness and feminism that ANY word with "men" in it has to be changed, even if it has nothing to do with males. The world is derived from "Amen", a Hebrew word for "so be it". Used by someone with a low iq and usually a member of the democratic party. These people find the need to be politically correct in ANY word with "man" in it, even if it's not a gendered word
Guide to replacement words

Amen - Awomen
History - Herstory
Impeachment - Impeachwoment
Humanity - Huwomanity
Manipulate - Womanipulate
Manual - Womanual
Manners - Womanners
Management - Womanangement
Manufacture - Womanufacture
Hispanic - Herspanic
Roman Empire - Rowoman Empire
Romance - Rowomance
Performance - Perforwomance
Romania - Rowomania

Oman - Owoman
Yemen - Yewomen
Guyana - Girlana
French Guiana - French Girlana
Turkmenistan - Turkwomenistan

Baghdad - Baghmom

Manchester - Womanchester

Manchuria - Womanchuria
Mandalay - Womandalay

Mail - Femail
Mail Delivery - Femail Delivery
Manhunt - Womanhunt
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 24, 2021
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