29 definitions by Xexdeh

A fun thing to do in your free time!

(i'm not gay tho!1!111!)
"Yo me and my bros ate a black hole yesterday!"
"Yo that's sick bro!"
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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“Yo my dude! Out here barbecuin’ some titstrips, lemme know if you want any!”
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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A term only I use that represents the word "trash" with an even more significant typo
"Bruh I'm so good at this game!"
"Nah man, you tarsh."
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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A type of sexual intercourse performed in a bathtub.
"Did you give Hannah the turbo tub?"
"Yeah homie!"
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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A sack of nuts. There are many types of nuts, such as coconuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, and you can actually collect and carry the nuts around in a special bag called a nut sack. Once you're ready to eat them, you can also stick the nuts into your mouth! But be careful, you might choke!
"I brought my nut sack to work yesterday."
"Where is it? Can I see?"
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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You don't want to be grounded. It not fun. One time Step Daddy took away my Xbox 360 and me cry for weke and no get it bak yet. Pls send help!!1! My Step Daddy took away my virginity for a week and me get vri scarared
"me got grounded hek"
"Ohh hHnoNOOO i FeeEl vrRi BadD fOr YOU!!!!"
by Xexdeh January 1, 2020
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