77 definitions by Xero _ Manifest

A severe and deadly (to everybody else) condition that only affects females. This condition is highly contagious and when a female has been infected it will only last no more than a week of every month. Symptoms include raging bitch fits, mood swings, a desire to kill anyone near her, and cravings for chocolates and other sweets. WARNING if you see a female who's been infected do not go near her run! Run for your life! These women are highly dangerous and will attempt to kill anyone and everyone
Chris: Whoa dude! Did you see Chrysta today?
Tony: Ya man I think she got infected with femeninitus
Chris: We better get the hell out of here before she tries to kill us
by Xero _ Manifest July 8, 2012
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An extreme case of morning wood, where the guy wakes up in the middle of a wet dream and didn't dream climax. Resulting in waking up with blue balls and an urge to fuck the nearest thing in sight.
Tedd: Man today was a rough morning.. Byron: Why? Tedd: I woke up with morning 2X4 today. Byron: Owch, must've sucked Tedd: Yeah. Good thing Shannon was there to relieve me.
by Xero _ Manifest December 7, 2010
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The almighty BRO HOOOF!!!

The brony version of a fist bump used widely across the internet by fans of the hit television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Xero_Manifest: Can i get an Amen if you think Derpy needs to come back to us??

Fellow Bronies: AMEN!!!!! /)
by Xero _ Manifest February 16, 2013
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It stands for Chocolate Chip Cookies. One of the o so many forms of the legendary sweet we know as cookies.
Arjun: I'm bringing some Triple C's tomorrow. Edgar: Kool.... *wtf is that?* Arjun: That stands for chocolate chip cookies by the way. Edgar: Very kool!!!!
by Xero _ Manifest November 4, 2010
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The amazingly stupid logic people use when they're drugged beyond belief, but still want more.
Tweeker1: I'll let you punch me in the face for just one hit of your joint. Tweeker2: That sounds like a good deal to me. Rndm Guy: That sounds more like Tweeker Logic to me....
by Xero _ Manifest March 17, 2011
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The insignia of author xero _ manifest. Looks like :+:
:+: that's what an Atreax looks like
by Xero _ Manifest December 29, 2011
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When someone loses their virginity during seasonal times,like during Christmas. Since lossing ones virginity, and Christmas are both specialo casions, the sex that night will be never forgotten
Girl1: Guess what happend on Christmas!!!!! Girl2: What.? Girl1: Arjun took my jingle!!!!! Girl2&Girl1:EEEEEHHHHEEEEEEHEHEHEH!!!!!!
by Xero _ Manifest October 19, 2010
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