77 definitions by Xero _ Manifest

An individual who spends much of their time adamantly sharing thoughts and opinions on subjects they know very little about, often on internet blogs or social networking sites, wikis, or in their general community.Often this process becomes enabled by their audience, as ignoranteers seem to attract others of their own kind, who blindly follow and assert their incorrect and naive rantings with mostly short, misspelled, and often caps-locked exclamations.
If you call it an "ATM machine" instead of an "ATM, unless you get your money from an Automated Teller Machine machine..."

If you still think race is relevant (all your doing is keeping it relevant, the concept is outdated people, it's all about how much money you have now that people will judge you based on, not what skin color you have. C'mon get with the program...)

If you say "for all intensive purposes..."

If you think people from Mexico speak Mexican...

If you post about how addictive and dangerous marijuana is (look it up, zero deaths from substance use, no addictive properties)...

If you rip on anime fans because you think what they are watching are children's cartoons...

If you thought Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks...

If you think global warming is no big deal...

...you are an ignoranteer.
by Xero _ Manifest November 6, 2011
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A vile fiend that was forged from the hateocity( I think thats a word...) of all the haters in the world. It was created back in the early years of the Oakland Raiders football carrer from the hate that the fans emmited. Since that day, the beast has gotten stronger. Feeding on the hate that ungrateful fans give people like Ke$ha and Lady Gaga. And now this.. The hatred for that faggot Justin Beiber.
This amount of hate will increase the power of Xero the Beast to gargantuin levels. It will come out of hiding and finally defeat Chuck Norris. Just like the Mayans predicted would happen on December 21, Y2K12. So basically we're all fucked and it's that gaywad Justin Bieber's fault. Oops that comment only made it stronger. My bad
by Xero _ Manifest December 31, 2011
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The event when a fat man can literally sense that another person is trying to hide food from him.
Me: His backpack's unusually large..... My fat man senses are tingling... no wait, that's just my stomach rumbling.
by Xero _ Manifest November 3, 2010
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What happens when a really slutty chick ends up pregnant and has absolutly no idea who the father is. Oops, I mean who the "baby daddy" is. Pretty much all of the cumfused women out there can still bitch about how it isn't their fault by ending up on shows like Maury. With them they bring one of the guys that they've slept with ( Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Method) and then bitch on the show that he is indeed the father. Pretty smart way to get a DNA test if you ask me...
Cumfusion is the leading case of stupid talk shows like Maury
by Xero _ Manifest April 8, 2011
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Light can be used to describe many things, like a person's personality, overall goodness, or as a state of mind. Light is what exists, what will exist and what always has existed, and nothing can change that no mater how hard someone tries. People can try to remove the light from their being, but none can trully do it. No matter how dark a person's outwardly appearence, the light will always be there deep within that persons very soul. Shrouded be darkness, it will still shine bright, waiting for it's time to rise again. For the truth is that darkness cannot exist without light. They are like two sides of a coin, coexisting with one another. Sure one side may overpower the other at times, but that side cannot be completely consumed. So can be said for the human heart... no matter how much a person grieves and hurts, and no matter how empty that persons life feels, the light will still remain, deep within that persons heart as hope, and will wait in patience until it is called uppon to return to the surface.
When the light returns, all of those feelings of pain and anguish will be replaced with feelings of joy and remorse. That persons life will once again be filled with the happiness he felt long ago.
by Xero _ Manifest December 5, 2010
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The ancient Mayan civilization predicted that on December 21, Y2K12, Chuck Norris will be utterly pwned. His demise will spell the end of our protection from aliens. The aliens will invade and enslave the human race to harvest us for our internal organs. The whole Y2K12 thing is just a "cooler" way to say 2012 for all you r-tards out there that couldn't figure that out.
Guy:1 What if the Mayans are right about December 21, Y2K12? Chuck Fan: IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!! Guy1: But what if? Chuck Fan: LISTEN..If Chuck Norris loses, the universe will implode, there's no way in hell there will even BE any aliens to invade.
by Xero _ Manifest October 24, 2010
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The act of having sex with another person in order to wish said person good fortune. usually done before exams, departures, or future confrontations with someone/something. Plus it rhymes. :)
Rndm Chick: Fuck, I'm totally gonna fail my driving exam tomorrow. Boyfriend: Well I think you'll do fine, but a good luck fuck couldn't hurt right? *5 Minutes Later* Rndm Chick: Im so failing....
by Xero _ Manifest December 29, 2011
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