7 definitions by Xeb

1) an imaginary form of currency that has no real purpose.
2.)currency usually given after insulting someone brutally, and too their face
3.)currencry given for saying something very disturbing, and mentally scarring to or about others.
"Damn, that was cold, 100 points"
by Xeb September 1, 2003
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n. ablility to cause damage to someone or something using just one's mind.
-telepathic bullets that fly out from one's forehead, and hurt...alot
"Eat mind bullets!"
"it burns.....!"
by Xeb September 3, 2003
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N. Soul Calibur 2 character that uses twin katars, and pwns you badly.
V. Talim Pwn'd: the process of being pwn'd by someone who fights as Talim
"blarg....pwn'd by Talim again =( "
by Xeb September 3, 2003
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One of the best websites, and bands if you have a sense of humor and are easily amused. Check out some of their Rock Videos, be sure to watch "Weeee!" "Dragons and Bees" "ABCs" and their various cartoons
by Xeb September 22, 2003
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phrase used to silence someone usually after saying something retarded. Or just to shut someone up even if they may have a point. Along with the added effect of ruining nearly any setting.
Todd: "Rich, turn the car off you're wasting my battery"
Rich: "Eat the dick, you use less battery power if it's on."
Todd: "what no it don't!"
Rich: "eat the dick"
-akward silence for the other 4 people in the car-
by Xeb November 14, 2003
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The best drink ever invented ;D second greatest invention next to the arcade.
a pre-made tea in a 20oz bottle that has a nice bit of lemon added to it =) go to your local gas station, or circle-k, and buy one....now
"man, I need my nestea fix, lets go to the stop 'n shop, and buy a few cases of it."
by Xeb September 14, 2003
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A game that actually requires a mild amount of intelligence to play. Those who rag on it or find it fun to make fun of those who play it. Are hardly more then fags who think it makes them look cool for making fun of a game that has been around for a while, and has still withstood all the negative publicity given to it by uptight religious fanatics that think a game can actually make people go off and do insane things. So, shut the fuck up you whiny bitches, DnD is here to stay regardless of what you say!
"Hell yeah I Play D&D!"
by Xeb September 6, 2003
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